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Important Submission Information

Manuscripts are processed in Editorial Manager ( When submitting for the first time in this system, you will need to register and update your account. 

If you have questions or concerns, please contact the America's Editorial Office at or 734-232-9236.

Pediatric Radiology Journal

Pediatric Radiology is the official journal of The Society for Pediatric Radiology. It is a benefit of Society membership. The full text is available online to members.

How to access Pediatric Radiology: Click on the first tab on the right of this page, to access the "Member Resources" page with an access link to the journal.

How to participate in Member Only Journal-Based CME Activities: All activities are administered via XPress.  If you are a first-time user, further instructions are provided here.   

Journal Resources

Access Pediatric Radiology

Click here for access to 
Pediatric Radiology (SPR website log in credentials required)

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Online Manuscript Submissions




