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Grant Awards of the SPR Research and Education Foundation

Research Award Recipients 2010 - 2021

Newly Named - William H. and Victoria McAlister Young Investigator Award

  • Clinical applicability of macromolecular proton fraction (MPF) of the developing brain Keywords: fetal MRI; Brain development; quantitative MRI; Sara Reis Teixeira, MD, PhD; Children's Hospital of Philadelphia

Pilot Award

  • Machine learning to maximize radiologic detection of classic metaphyseal lesions of infant abuse; Andy Tsai, MD, PhD; Boston Children's Hospital
  • Quantitative Direct Sodium Magnetic Resonance Imaging (23Na-MRI) of Low-Grade Gliomas in Children with Neurofibromatosis Type 1; Aashim Bhatia, MD, MS; Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia

Seed Grant 

  • Imaging Utilization and Out-of-Pocket Patient Costs for Vesicoureteral Reflux among Commercially Insured Children from 2010 to 2019; Shireen Hayatghaibi, PhD, MPH; Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center

  • To assess the feasibility of transcranial doppler and transcranial contrast enhanced ultrasound as alternative ancillary tests in the determination of brain death.; Misun Hwang, MD, Children's Hospital of Philadelphia


Research Award Recipients 2000 - 2009

Second Cycle Seed Grant

  • T2 relaxation time mapping as a quantitative and objective measure of disease activity in children with muscular dystrophy (DMD): Emphasis on early detection of reversible inflammatory changes
    Hee-Kyung Kim, MD,Cincinnati Children’s Hospital 

John Dorst – Felix Fleischner Seed Grant in Thoracic Pediatric Radiology

  • Mathematical Modeling of Pediatric Pulmonary Nodules
    Steven Don, MD, Washington University, Mallinckrodt Institute of Radiology, St. Louis, Missouri 

Thorne Griscom Award for Education in Pediatric Radiology

  • CT Radiation Safety in Children: A Model for a National Web-Based Continuous Quality Improvement Program
    Marilyn J. Goske, MD, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital, Cincinnati, Ohio 

John Dorst – Felix Fleischner Seed Grant in Thoracic Pediatric Radiology

  • A Pilot study of PET-CT in the Assessment of Pulmonary Nodules in Children with Malignant Solid Tumors
    Mary Beth McCarville, MD, St Jude Children's Research Hospital, Memphis, Tennessee

Seed Grants

  • Evaluation of Pediatric Diseases with Hyperpolarized Carbon-13 Magnetic Resonance Imaging
    John D. MacKenzie, MD and Shreyas Vasanawala, MD, PhD, Lucile Packard Children's Hospital, Stanford, California

  • Optical Oximetry in Testicular Torsion 
    Harriet Paltiel, MD, Boston Children’s Hospital, Boston, Massachusetts 

  • The Next Iteration of a Universal Web-based Curriculum in Pediatric Radiology
    Janet Reid, MD, Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, Ohio 

Second Cycle Seed Grant

  • F-18 FDOPA Imaging of Brain Tumors in Children
    Susan E. Sharp, MD, Cincinnati Children’s Hospital and Medical Center 

Fellow Award

  • Optimal Dose Regimen in Pediatric PET Imaging
    Roberto Accorsi, PhD, Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia

N. Thorne Griscom Award for Education

  • A Teaching Center to Foster Educational Excellence
    Beverly P. Wood, MD, Loma Linda University Children's Hospital, Loma Linda, California

2nd Cycle Seed Grant

  • The evaluation of static and ballistic stretching programs on muscle architecture and the physis of the skeletally immature child by MRI and DTI
    J. Herman Kan MD, Vanderbilt Children's Hospital

Seed Grants

  • Fetal MRI Features of Club Foot Inpatients with Myeloneningocele
    Sabah Servaes, MD, Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia

  • T1 Mapping in Childhood Solid Tumors
    Catherine Owens, MBBCH and Oystein E. Olsen, MD, Hospital for Sick Children, London, England

Fellow Award

  • Hyperpolarized 3He MRI in Pediatric Patients with Asthma: Assessment of Technology, Evaluation of Functional Ventilatory Status and Direct Clinical Application for Pediatric Patients
    Edward Lee, MD, MPH, Mentor - Faina Shtern, MD, Children's Hospital, Boston

Bridge Grant

  • 2007 SPR Meeting Symposium Support
    Marilyn J. Goske, MD – SPR President Elect

Seed Grants

  • Development and Assessment of Resources for Management of Emergent or Life Threatening Conditions in Children in the Radiology Setting
    Ana M. Gaca, MD, Duke University Medical System

  • In-DTPA-Pentetreotide Imaging for Diagnosis and Post-therapy Surveillance of Pediatric Central Nervous System Tumors
    Geetika Khanna, MBBS, University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics

Fellow Awards

  • Imaging of Arthritis with DiD labeled leukocytes
    Heike E Daldrup-Link, MD, Mentor - Robert Brasch, MD, University of California - San Francisco

  • MR Voiding Cystography Evaluation of Vesicoureteral Reflux
    Shreyas S. Vasanawala, MD, PhD, Mentor - Richard A Barth, MD, Lucile Packard Children's Hospital, Stanford, California 

Research Awards

  • Pulse Inversion Imaging of Testicular Torsion
    Harriet Paltiel, MD, Children's Hospital, Boston

  • Measurements of Epicardial and Visceral Fat: Correlation with Treatment Option
    Marilyn Siegel, MD, Washington University, Mallinckrodt Institute of Radiology, St. Louis, Missouri

The N. Thorne Griscom Awards for Education in Pediatric Radiology

  • A Complete Web-Based Curriculum in Pediatric Radiology
    Janet Reid, MD, The Children's Hospital at the Cleveland Clinic
  • Development of a New Instructional Tool to Increase the Diagnostic Accuracy of Radiology Residents Interpreting Emergency Pediatric Neuroradiology Studies 
    Mark Halsted, MD, Cincinnati Children's Hospital

Research Awards

  • Development of a Lymphangioma Animal Model for Evaluation of Image-Guided Sclerotherapy Regimens
    William E. Shiels, II, DO, Children’s Hospital, Columbus

  • Radiation Dose Resulting from Pediatric Chest CT Utilization
    Sjirk Jan Westra, MD, Massachusetts General Hospital

Seed Grants

  • Low-Dose CT Evaluation Of Suspected Appendicitis In Children
    Nancy R. Fefferman, MD and Henry Rusinek, PhD; NYU School of Medicine

  • Feasibility For Optimizing Pediatric CT Using Objective Measures Of Dose and Image Quality
    David E. Hintenlang, PhD, University of Florida

CT Dosimetry grant

  • Credible Risk Estimates for Pediatric CT Examinations
    David J. Brenner, PhD, DSc, Eric J. Hall, PhD, DSc, Carl D. Elliston, MA, and W.E. Berdon, MD, Center for Radiological Research, Columbia University 

The N. Thorne Griscom Award for Education in Pediatric Radiology

  • Launching the Complete Interactive Web-Based Curriculum In Pediatric Radiology For Radiology Residents
    Janet R. Reid, MD, FRCPC, Marilyn J. Goske, MD, Mariana G. Hewson, PhD and Nancy A. Obuchowski, PhD, Children's Hospital at the Cleveland Clinic 
  • Determination of Optimal Dose and Safety Profile for Optison TM Ultrasound Contrast Agent in Pediatric Solid Tumor Patients
    Beth McCarville, MD, Wayne Furman, MD, Sue Kaste, DO, Fred Hoffer, MD, Acuson, Inc., Mallinckrodt, Inc.; St. Jude’s Children’s Research Hospital, Memphis, TN

  • Diagnostic Categorization Features for Radiographic Diagnosis at Varying Levels of Experience
    Beverly Wood, MD, Irving Biederman, PhD, Keck School of Medicine, Los Angeles, CA; 

Millennium Grant

  • An Assessment of Magnetic Resonance Imaging in the Prenatal Diagnosis of Fetal Chest Masses: Impact on the Diagnosis, Clinical Decision Making and Patient Outcomes, Valerie L. Ward, MD, Boston Children’s Hospital, Boston, MA
  • A Web-Based Teaching Module with Interactive Self-Assessment for Pediatric Radiology Residents, Janet R. Reid, MD, Marilyn Goske, MD, Stuart C. Morrison, MB,ChB, Mariana Hewson, PhD, Jerry Lawler, Michael L. Lieber, MS, The Cleveland Clinic Children's Hospital
  • Computer Simulated Dose Reduction for Pediatric Abdominal Helical CT, Donald P. Frush, MD, Caroline Hollingsworth, MD, Lane Donnelly, MD, John Mayo, MD, PhD, Duke University Medical Center, Durham, NC;

1990 - 1999


MR Lung Ventilation Imaging in Asthmatics Using Hyper Polarized Helium-3
Bennett Alford, MD

The University of Virginia

The Sedation, Analgesia, and Contrast Media Simulator: A New Approach to Train and Evaluate Radiologists’ Responses to Critical Incidents

L. Santiago Medina, MD
Children’s Hospital Medical Center, Miami, Florida

Multi-Institutional Pilot Study of Dynamic Enhanced Magnetic Resonance Imaging (DEMRI) to Assess Response of Bone Sarcoma to Chemotherapy

James S. Meyer, MD
Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia 


Computerized Stereological Quantitation of Pediatric Tumor Volume
Simon C. S. Kao, MD
The University of Iowa Hospital and Clinics
Doppler Sonographic Determination of Vessel Density in Crohn's Disease: a Reflection of the Effect of Treatment
Heidi Patriquin, MD
Hopital Sainte-Justine, Montréal
Evaluation of Contrast-Enhanced Sonography with Harmonic Imaging in Experimental Acute Pyelonephrosis in Piglets   
Paul Babyn, MD
The Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto 
Osteogenic Sarcoma: Monitoring of Chemotherapeutic Drug Delivery Using MRI with Liposome Encapsulated Gd-DTPA-BMA
Philipp Lang, MD
Lucile Packard Children's Hospital, Stanford, California


The Impact of Imaging on Diagnosis, Management and Cost in Pediatric Patients with Abdominal Pain Presenting to the Emergency Department: A Comparison of Capitated Versus Fee-for-Service Plans
Kimberly E. Applegate, M.D
The Cleveland Clinic Foundation
Evaluation of Bone Density in Survivors of Childhood Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia (All) Treated on a Single Institutional Protocol
Sue C. Kaste, DO
St. Jude Children's Research Hospital
Correlative Imaging Evaluation of Abduction-Induced Hip Ischemia in Piglets
Carol E. Barnewolt, M.D
Children's Hospital, Boston
Changes in Regional Renal Blood Flow During Hypotension: Evaluation with Contrast-Enhanced Grey-scale Harmonic US
George A. Taylor, M.D.
Children's Hospital, Boston


High-Resolution CT and Expiratory CT of Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia
Suzanne L. Aquino, M.D.
UC Davis Medical Center
Pulmonary Hemorrhage and Hemosiderosis: Evaluation with MR Imaging in a Piglet Model
Sheila C. Berlin, M.D.
Rainbow Babies and Children’s Hospital- Cleveland
Magnetic Resonance Microscopy Study of Embryonic and Fetal Development in Normal and Genetically Altered Mice
Anne M. Hubbard, M.D.
The Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia
Efficacy and Cost-Effectiveness of Fast-Screening Brain MRI Versus Conventional MRI in Children Suspected of Having a Brain Tumor: A Blinded Comparative Analysis
L. Santiago Medina, M.D.
Children's Hospital, Boston
Power Doppler Evaluation of Septic Arthritis: A Rabbit Model - Bracco/SPR Award
Peter J. Strouse, M.D.
University of Michigan Hospitals


Effect of Chronic Low-Pressure Sterile Vesicoureteral Reflux on Renal Growth and Blood Flow in Piglets
Harriet J. Paltiel, M.D.
Children's Hospital, Boston
Quantification of Renal Blood Flow with Color Doppler Energy and Perflurocarbon-based Micro-bubble Contrast Media
George A. Taylor, M.D.
Children's Hospital, Boston
Therapeutic Efficacy of Chest Radiography in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit
Keith S. White, M.D.
Primary Children's Medical Center, Salt Lake City
Diagnosis of Experimental Acute Pyelonephritis in Piglets Comparison of Spiral CT and 99mTc-DMSA Scintigraphy
Massoud Majd, M.D.
Children's National Medical Center, Washington, D.C.


The Natural History of Acute Small Bowel Obstructions in Rats: Radiographic, Ultrasonic and Pathologic Changes
Marilyn Goske, M.D.
Cleveland Clinic Foundation
Helical Cine CT in the Assessment of Regional Ventilation: A Rabbit Model
T. David Cox, M.D.
Children's Hospital and Medical Center, Seattle
Comparison of Computed Radiography with Film-Screen Radiography in Detecting Pulmonary Edema in a Rabbit Model Simulating Hyaline Membrane Disease
Steven Don, M.D.
Washington University, Mallinckrodt Institute of Radiology, St. Louis, Missouri
Detection of Inflicted Skeletal Injury in Infants Using a Charge-Coupled Device
Paul E. Kleinman, M.D.
University of Massachusetts Medical Center
Comparison of Breath Hold and Non-Breath Hold Helical and Nonhelical Computerized Tomography Techniques for the Detection of Lung Metastases in Dogs with Osteosarcoma
Mervyn Cohen, M.D.
Riley Hospital for Children, Indianapolis
Assessment of Cytoreductive Therapy in Childhood Leukemia (ALL) with 1H NMR Spectroscopy (MRS)
Francis Blankenberg, M.D.
Lucille Salter Packard Children's Hospital
Use of Cisapride (Propulsid)in Nasojejunal and Gastrojejunal Tube Placement: A Double-Blind Study
Ellen C. Benya, M.D.
Children's National Medical Center


Colonic Perforation During Air Enema in the Porcine Model 
Stephen C. O'Connor, M.D.
Tripler Army Medical Center - Honolulu
Ultrasound Characterization and Demonstration of Hemodynamic Effects in Experimental Neuronal Injury 
George A. Taylor, M.D.
Johns Hopkins Medical Institutions
Quantitative Volume Flow Measurements with Color Velocity Imaging
Sjirk J. Westra, M.D.
University of California - Los Angeles Medical Center


High Resolution Volumetric Cine CT Assessment of Bronchial Reactivity: Histamine Induced Bronchoconstriction and Parenchymal Aeration Changes
Sandra Sue Kramer MD
Children's Hospital of Philadelphia  
Acute Testicular Torsion in the Rabbit: Qualitative and Quantitative Evaluation of the Effect of an Intravenous Doppler Contrast Agent
Donald Frush MD
Duke University Medical Center  
Cine Magnetic Resonance Tracheal Evaluation in Anterior Innominate Artery Compression
Beverly Phyllis Wood MD
Loma Linda Univ Children's Hospital
Comparison of Digital and Film Screen Radiography for the Detection of Pneumothorax in an Animal Model
Steven Don MD
Washington University, Mallinckrodt Institute of Radiology, St. Louis, Missouri


Phosphorus31 Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy of Muscle Metabolism in Patients with Sickle Cell Disease Prior to and Following Isovolemic Exchange Transfusion
George Simpson Bisset, III MD
Duke University Medical Center
Detection of Cerebral Vascular Disease in Patients with Sickle Cell Anemia Using Duplex Transcranial Doppler with MR Angiographic Correlation
Joanna Johnson Seibert MD
Arkansas Children's Hospital
Multiparameter Ultrasonic Tissue Characterization of the Immature Rat Brain: Normal Versus Disease States
Lori Lee Barr MD
Austin Radiological Association Austin
Pulmonary Distribution of Endotracheally Administered Epinephrine in Pediatric Resuscitation
Mark S. Finkelstein DO
Christiana Hospital, Newark DE
Changes in Bone Density in Children Undergoing Bone Marrow Transplantation
VS Chakravarti MD


Colonic Perforation in the Juvenile Porcine Model
William Eugene Shiels, II DO
Columbus Children’s, Dublin OH
Effect of Methotrexate on Bone Density During Growth
John G. Curran MD 
Children's Memorial Hospital, Chicago IL   
MRI Of Ischemic Damage to the Growth Mechanism
Diego Jaramillo MD
Massachusetts General Hospital
Comparison of Radiographic and MRI Evaluation of the Craniocervical Junction in Down Syndrome
Keith S. White MD
Primary Children's Medical Center, Salt Lake City
Detection of Subclinical Cerebrovascular Disease in Patients with Homozygous Sickle Cell Disease
SS Ortiz MD

2015 - Foundation Update


2010 20-Year Report